SQL Server

Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server

Introduction to Database

Introduction to Database

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

Advance Table Concepts

SQL Comments


Stored Procedure



Temp Tables


Stored Procedure Extended

Exception Handling

Backup Database

MS SQL Server is a “world-class” Relational Database Information System platform. Incorporating a tremendous power to scale data as well as the ability to transcend an array of data sources, scaling desktops, portable devices (phones, tablets), and data centers as well as private and/or public clouds. This course is for anyone who is interested in gaining an understanding and a working knowledge of SQL via the flexible MS SQL Server toolset.

   Introduction to Databases

   Relational Databases

   Microsoft SQL Server Installation

   Overview of SQL Server Management Studio

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using SQL Syntax

   Drop Database Issue

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using GUI

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using SQL Syntax

   Drop Database Issue

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using GUI

   Saving information using Insert Command

   Update information using Update Command

   Remove information using Delete Command

   Displaying information using Select Command

   Advance Select Commands

   Master Tables Concepts

   Detailed Tables

   Creating self-notes using SQL Comments

   Introduction to Joins

   Inner Join

   Left Outer Join

   Right Outer Join

   Full Outer Join

   Cross Join


   Introduction and writing Stored Procedure

   Executing multiple commands using Stored Procedure

   SQL Injection and Advantages of Stored Procedure


   Built-in Functions Part 1

   Built-in Functions Part 2

   User Defined Function

   What are Transactions in Database

   Committing Transactions

   Rolling back Transactions

   Introduction to Temp Tables

   What are Triggers

   How they automate database operation

   Input Parameter

   Output Parameter

   Return Value

   Output Clause in Insert, Update and Delete

   Dynamic Output Parameter

   Parameter as optional and default value

   Retrieving identity column value

   How to control failures using Exception Handling

   Advance Exception Handling

   How to Backup Database

   Restoring Database from Backup


SQL Server

   Introduction to Databases

   Relational Databases

   Microsoft SQL Server Installation

   Overview of SQL Server Management Studio

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using SQL Syntax

   Drop Database Issue

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using GUI

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using SQL Syntax

   Drop Database Issue

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using GUI

   Saving information using Insert Command

   Update information using Update Command

   Remove information using Delete Command

   Displaying information using Select Command

   Advance Select Commands

   Master Tables Concepts

   Detailed Tables

   Creating self-notes using SQL Comments

   Introduction to Joins

   Inner Join

   Left Outer Join

   Right Outer Join

   Full Outer Join

   Cross Join


   Introduction and writing Stored Procedure

   Executing multiple commands using Stored Procedure

   SQL Injection and Advantages of Stored Procedure


   Built-in Functions Part 1

   Built-in Functions Part 2

   User Defined Function

   What are Transactions in Database

   Committing Transactions

   Rolling back Transactions

   Introduction to Temp Tables

   What are Triggers

   How they automate database operation

   Input Parameter

   Output Parameter

   Return Value

   Output Clause in Insert, Update and Delete

   Dynamic Output Parameter

   Parameter as optional and default value

   Retrieving identity column value

   How to control failures using Exception Handling

   Advance Exception Handling

   How to Backup Database

   Restoring Database from Backup

month lecturers lecturer duration
2 24 1:30

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SQL Server
