Advance PHP


Implement namespaces, extend interfaces, create your first Trait, dive into object-oriented programming, and discover versatile scripting methods with this course. We takes you into the advanced parts of the PHP server-side language, including abstract classes, iterators, generators, and password hashing. He provides an overview of each topic, takes you through how to code each item for the first time, and then shows you how to expand further. Learn how to establish consistency, solve problems, and prevent your applications from crashing by applying the techniques we share in this course. Take your object-oriented programming beyond basic attributes and methods into using constructors, de-constructors, and singletons. Build nested exceptions, use type hints, and explore additional ways you can craft more flexible software using PHP.




   Constructors, de-constructors, and singletons

   Cloning objects

   Abstract classes



   Password hashing and verification

   Type hints, strict type hints, and return types

   Advanced closures

   Nested exceptions and SPL exceptions


Advance PHP




   Constructors, de-constructors, and singletons

   Cloning objects

   Abstract classes



   Password hashing and verification

   Type hints, strict type hints, and return types

   Advanced closures

   Nested exceptions and SPL exceptions

month lecturers lecturer duration
1 8 1:30

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Advance PHP
