
NET: What You Need To Know

First C# Programs

Data Types

Operators and Expressions

Control Structures

Object-Oriented Programming


More About Types

Methods, Properties and Operators

Characters and String

Arrays and Indexers


Virtual Methods and Polymorphism

Formatting and Conversions



.NET Interfaces and Collections

Delegates and Events

Introduction to Windows Forms

Additional C# Features

The Microsoft .NET Framework is a platform for building, deploying, and running Web Services and applications. It consist of components such as common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library, which includes classes, interfaces, and value types that support wide range of technologies. Also .NET Framework provides an execution environment, simplified development and deployment, and integration with a variety of programming languages, including Visual Basic and Visual C#.

   FCL and the CLR

   Using Visual Studio

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using SQL Syntax

   Hello, World


   Using C# as a Calculator

   Input/output in C#

   .NET Framework Class Library

   Data Types

   Integer Types

   Floating Point Types

   Decimal Type

   Characters and Strings

   Boolean Type


   Nullable Types

   Operator Cardinality

   Arithmetic Operators

   Relational Operators

   Logical Operators

   Bitwise Operators

   Assignment Operators


   Checked and Unchecked

   If Tests




   More about Control Flow






   Object-Oriented Languages



   Classes as Structured Data


   Constructors and Initialization

   Static Fields and Methods

   Constant and Read-only

   Overview of Types in C#

   Value Types

   Boxing and Unboxing

   Reference Types


   Parameter Passing

   Method Overloading

   Variable-Length Parameter Lists


   Operator Overloading

   String Input

   String Methods

   String Builder Class

   Programming with Strings


   System Array

   Random Number Generation

   Jagged Arrays

   Rectangular Arrays

   Arrays as Collections


   Single Inheritance

   Access Control

   Method Hiding


   Virtual Methods and Dynamic Binding

   Method Overriding


   Abstract Classes

   Sealed Classes

   Heterogeneous Collections


   Format Strings

   String Formatting Methods

   Type Conversions

   Exception Fundamentals

   Structured Exception Handling

   User-Defined Exception Classes

   Inner Exceptions

   Interface Fundamentals

   Programming with Interfaces

   Using Interfaces at Runtime

   Resolving Ambiguities


   IEnumerable and IEnumerator

   Copy Semantics and ICloneable

   Comparing Objects

   Generic Types

   Type-Safe Collections


   Anonymous Methods


   Creating Windows Applications Using Visual Studio

   Partial Classes

   Buttons, Labels and Textboxes

   Handling Events

   DataGrid Controls

   Auto-Implemented Properties

   Implicitly Typed Variables

   Object Initializers

   Collection Initializers

   Anonymous Types

   Partial Methods

   Extension Methods

   Lambda Expressions

   Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)



   FCL and the CLR

   Using Visual Studio

   Create, Alter, Drop Database Using SQL Syntax

   Hello, World


   Using C# as a Calculator

   Input/output in C#

   .NET Framework Class Library

   Data Types

   Integer Types

   Floating Point Types

   Decimal Type

   Characters and Strings

   Boolean Type


   Nullable Types

   Operator Cardinality

   Arithmetic Operators

   Relational Operators

   Logical Operators

   Bitwise Operators

   Assignment Operators


   Checked and Unchecked

   If Tests




   More about Control Flow






   Object-Oriented Languages



   Classes as Structured Data


   Constructors and Initialization

   Static Fields and Methods

   Constant and Read-only

   Overview of Types in C#

   Value Types

   Boxing and Unboxing

   Reference Types


   Parameter Passing

   Method Overloading

   Variable-Length Parameter Lists


   Operator Overloading

   String Input

   String Methods

   String Builder Class

   Programming with Strings


   System Array

   Random Number Generation

   Jagged Arrays

   Rectangular Arrays

   Arrays as Collections


   Single Inheritance

   Access Control

   Method Hiding


   Virtual Methods and Dynamic Binding

   Method Overriding


   Abstract Classes

   Sealed Classes

   Heterogeneous Collections


   Format Strings

   String Formatting Methods

   Type Conversions

   Exception Fundamentals

   Structured Exception Handling

   User-Defined Exception Classes

   Inner Exceptions

   Interface Fundamentals

   Programming with Interfaces

   Using Interfaces at Runtime

   Resolving Ambiguities


   IEnumerable and IEnumerator

   Copy Semantics and ICloneable

   Comparing Objects

   Generic Types

   Type-Safe Collections


   Anonymous Methods


   Creating Windows Applications Using Visual Studio

   Partial Classes

   Buttons, Labels and Textboxes

   Handling Events

   DataGrid Controls

   Auto-Implemented Properties

   Implicitly Typed Variables

   Object Initializers

   Collection Initializers

   Anonymous Types

   Partial Methods

   Extension Methods

   Lambda Expressions

   Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)

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